My Last Post Here – edited

(Edited on 02/19/2019)

Sorry, but Life just gets in the way; mine has been overwhelming as Time passes on. I will no longer be trying to update this blog, but I am happy to leave it here for visitors to peruse. Nostalgia can be enjoyable, but it can also be a torment. It is to me. Too many ghosts from my past, haunting me. In late September 2018, one of my precious cats, Callie, died of several serious diseases, including Kidney failure, leaving me heartbroken and grieving her devastating loss. Miss Cookie was still with me, aged 17 and still apparently in good health for an elderly cat. At least that was what the vet said. But there was fluid around Missy’s heart, and she was showing her age. Callie was only 12, middle aged; it seems so unfair that many pets do not get to live out their full life spans. Less than 2 months after we lost Callie, Missy’s health took a turn for the worse and her long-standing congestive heart disease brought her quickly down. She had been missing her companion; my only consolation was knowing that she didn’t have to wait long to join her friend in the hereafter.

At this writing, it has been several months since all this happened. But I am in still in pain from these losses and will continue to be affected by great sorrow for some while to come. For me, the death of any precious pet is as traumatic as losing a beloved human relative or friend. I have had a great many pets in my lifetime, all gone across the Rainbow Bridge now except my youngest, Fluffy, age 4 but not shown here, as she came along in 2015 after I had pretty much given up maintaining this blog. Fluffy will probably be the last pet I ever have, as I am getting older and fear what might happen in case I should lose my own life and then what becomes of the pets? Questions such as these fly around in my mind but are difficult to answer, especially at a sad time such as what I am enduring now.

Please visit my page at deviantART where I keep many of the same nature images as here, also many that were never displayed here. Also my abstract and fractal works can be seen there too.

And so, reluctantly I bid Goodbye and Farewell to WordPress, as I have enjoyed blogging here so much but sometimes we find reasons to move on. Thank you, Everyone!!

Hello Out There

In looking back over my work on this site, it strikes me anew how much in my life has changed…my dear mother’s passing almost 2 years ago, my own age gradually increasing to where I feel my own mortality more than ever before… I still work at a paying job, and probably will until I can’t walk anymore…but I had to downsize my garden by about half in order to reduce the ridiculous amount of hard labor it required. I still enjoy it of course, but for that very reason (less work required) and the various other demands of my life, I’m just not outdoors so much these days. I don’t seem to have as many opportunities for the old long walks on roadsides and in the countryside as I used to, either. Therefore, not as many photos to show off.

I love WordPress, always will, and would like to get back to work at this site. I am active at Deviantart which takes some effort. Really, the primary reason I haven’t posted here lately is because I didn’t have time to maintain 2 sites, both containing similar material. And yet, I miss WordPress… Well, we shall see! …. Toodles…!